Sedaris Book Cover Designs Stacked

Magazine Designs

Custom Design for a Travel and Art Magazine

Through the process of designing a publication, I learned that choosing appropriate typefaces, imagery, and creating dynamic compositions is crucial.

magazine Table of Contents

Main & Table of Contents

In the special feature section, I selected the theme that I was interested in, and I engaged that well. However, I spent a lot of time to organize various contents nicely in the table of contents section based on various magazines.

Magazine Front Page


This project was created as part of a school project. The course was ART 120 Intro to Typography and the assignment was to create custom Magazine of Art and Travel.

  • Deliverable: Magazine
  • Year: 2018
  • Medium: Print
  • Software: InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop
  • Tags: Graphic Design, Layout, Typography
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